Anne Elder-Knight is an innovative thinker and an inspired presenter. She is a provocateur, cheerleader, teacher, researcher, thought-leader and sage. She is obsessed with enabling leaders to get out of their own way so they can unleash their potential and have the scale of impact we all secretly know we’re capable of.
What sets her apart as a speaker, is her ability to quickly build rapport with an audience and hold their attention. With wry humour, she speaks to the challenges of our time and inspires people to reconnect with their belief in their own ability to transform themselves and their organisations.
Anne has honed her skill as a gifted presenter over years of facilitating and leading development and major culture change programmes. She has mined her career’s worth of experience for insights into where and how people get stuck, and what they can do to get unstuck. A prolific reader and researcher, Anne draws from an incredibly diverse knowledge base to offer fresh solutions to leading ourselves and others to a better future.
Anne’s special gift is in taking what we intuitively know and moulding it into useable ideas and tactics to get ourselves and those we lead to behave differently. People leave Anne’s sessions entertained, educated and energised. Those who have heard her speak often identify Anne’s insights as ground-breaking moments inciting them to make step changes in how they approach life and leadership.
Anne’s topics appeal to a wide range of audiences because they speak to the fundamental challenges of leadership: how to transform ourselves and our organisations to meet the challenges of tomorrow, today.
“Anne has a powerful yet understated style, which means she can work really well with people from all levels of the organisation. Anne is a connecting force, getting straight to the heart of those she works with, helping them think about what they need and holding them to account. People warm to Anne for several reasons – she is a grounded person, real and solid, not ‘highfalutin’. This comes out in her easy, plain language. She never hides behind psycho-babble or management jargon but exudes warmth and care, a personal connection and it’s clear she wants people to succeed. I love working with Anne. She’s the only presenter I know who has had a ‘rap’ written by her clients about how great she is!”
— Gil Sewell, GM People & Culture, PwC New Zealand
“Anne has a talent for putting ideas together that make intuitive sense and have obvious and immediate practical applications. She speaks in a way that is thought-provoking, inspiring, and confidence–building. Working with Anne to think about my leadership style and how I needed to show up to bring my best has been powerful. The results have been life changing and not just at work. It’s enabled me to think about all aspects of my life in a really positive and affirming way.”
— Graham Bethune, Manager Public Information, The Ministry of Justice