Growing Greatness

Anne Elder-Knight has provided an overview of the first three workshops of the Growing Greatness programme to help catch you up on the content of the workshop you were unable to attend. Please select the workshop you missed to view the video.

Workshop 1 – Shaping Up
(37 minutes)

The focus of this workshop is on exploring leadership identity including developing an accurate self-assessment of strengths and skills gaps, exploring work preferences, and understanding the role of leadership purpose. It invites participants to see themselves through the lens of leadership and provokes them to re-examine their beliefs around what is possible.


Workshop 2 – Showing Up
(28 minutes)

This workshop challenges participant’s concepts of courage and confidence and explores the small and large ways in which women tend to give their power away. From the work they choose to focus on, to the way they respond to feedback, to their self-talk and the way women’s language and body language does and doesn’t serve them, this session is a master class in showing up as a leader.


Workshop 3 – Stepping Up
(40 minutes)

Building on the previous two workshops, participants are provoked to leverage what they have to offer and create opportunities to make a greater impact in their work and organisations. It unpacks the different types of support offered by mentors, sponsors and networks and makes the case for effective self-promotion, leaning into conflict and change.


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